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Quick Start

  1. Set up a vault development server:

    a. execute vault server -dev

     `brew services restart vault` can clean up and restart vault on Mac
     `top` to see running processes on Mac: `kill -9 <#>` to stop process

    b. put Root Token in .env as CH_VAULT_STATIC_TKN

    c. ensure vault binary in /usr/local/bin and attached to the PATH in .bashrc with:

     `echo $PATH | grep /usr/local/bin` or `cat ~/.bashrc` 

    d. execute export VAULT_ADDR="" so we can run cmd line

    e. put the vault address, http://localhost:8200 , in .env as CH_VAULT_ADDR

    f. execute vault status to ensure vault server running

    g. execute vault secrets enable aws

     this allows us to store AWS secrets in Vault

    h. execute vault write aws/config/root access_key="..." secret_key="..." region="us-east-1"

     fill in AWS IAM user credentials

    i. execute vault read aws/config/root

    j. execute vault secrets list

    k. provide a role for the Chyme operation to assume that will give access to sqs and s3

    vault write aws/roles/assume_role_s3_sqs role_arns=<vault_s3_sqs_engineer ARN> credential_type=assumed_role

     this is the ARN for the role you created for this purpose: arn:aws:iam::966216697299:role/vault_s3_sqs_engineer

    // dont execute this if you want to run chyme right away l. assume the role by executing vault write aws/sts/assume_role_s3_sqs ttl=15m

  2. Set up a redis development server:

    a. If running Chyme from Ubuntu, from /usr/bin execute ./redis-server

    If running from Mac, redis is installed with homebrew, so execute `redis-server` from anywhere

    b. if following error encountered: Could not create server TCP listening socket *:6379: bind: Address already in use

     execute `sudo service redis-server stop` if on Ubuntu
  3. Set Docker Host environment variable and username in config:

    a. execute export DOCKER_HOST="unix:///var/run/docker.sock"

    b. ensure the following set in .env:

     this is the working directory on the local machine.
     and the user is the user built into the image in the Dockerfile
     on Ubuntu desktop it is:
     on Mac laptop it is:
  4. Build docker image for mov processing

    a. update MOV_CONVERTER_VERSION and/or MP4_PROCESSOR_VERSION variable in Makefile

    b. update the image version number in /internal/tasker/template/mov.go to match CONVERTER_VERSION

    c. if building MP4 converter, ensure the binary built from is in /images/mp4 folder

    d. execute make mov_converter and/or make mp4_converter

    x execute `docker build . jnkroeker/mov_converter:

  5. Run the CLI:

    cd ~/go/src/chyme make build

Currently supported commands (* = required):

* `./out/chyme help`

*** Open new terminal window for following commands ***

Indexing S3 Bucket

`./out/chyme indexer start`

`./out/chyme indexer ingest s3://{*BUCKET}/{KEY} --filter 'ext/{FILE_TYPE}' --recursion {DEPTH}` 

    Chyme only has a processing template for .MOV and .MP4 files at present.

        --filter 'ext/mov'
        --filter 'ext/mp4'

    use test bucket s3://june-test-bucket-jnk/video/

open redis server with `redis-cli` command

    `KEYS *`

    `SMEMBERS "<key name>"` because the value type at the key is a SET

Add tasks for processing the indexed bucket in Redis

--- After ingesting to Redis, start tasker to add tasks to SQS queue ---

`./out/chyme tasker start`

Start processing the queued tasks

--- After tasker adds tasks to SQS queue, start worker ---

`./out/chyme worker start`

Clean up

Kill redis-server :

    open redis-cli

    `shutdown NOSAVE`


2020-07-26: s3 url scheme now `s3://<bucket-name>/<key-name>`

2020-08-16: packaged as a go module now, to run execute `./out/chyme <command>`

            * `./out/chyme indexer ingest s3://june-test-bucket-jnk/ --filter 'ext/jpg' --recursion 3` succeeds in injesting all jpg in the bucket

2020-08-23: there cant be two commands started at the same time with `start`
            two commands:
                `./out/chyme indexer start`
                `./out/chyme indexer ingest s3://...`
                `./out/chyme tasker start`
            ! kill indexer before starting tasker

2020-08-24: Upgraded redis-server and redis-cli from 3.0 to 6.0.6
            using: ``
                SPopN was erroring out with size parameter
                    required by go-redis api but available only from redis ^3.2

2021-04-22: chyme successfully creates tasks for .mov files in SQS queue

            * `./out/chyme indexer ingest s3://jnk-golf/ --filter 
                'ext/mov' --recursion 3`
            * `./out/chyme tasker start`

            * `./out/chyme worker start`

2021-05-06: worker successfully starts container with ffmpeg and bento4 installed
            from .mov template

            Dockerfile for image on local machine at ~/mov_converter

2021-05-08: worker creates /input /output directories on local machine using CH_WORKER_WORKDIR
                and downloads the .mov resource specified in the task to /input

            worker correctly loads the .mov resource from local <CH_WORKER_WORKDIR>/chyme/input
                onto container at /in 

2021-05-21: all stages of chyme work; 
                pulls a .mov file from S3, processes it using ffmpeg docker container, uploads mpg-dash manifest file to another S3

2022-12-10: upgraded vault to v1.10.0

            need to add graceful shutdown of worker when interrupt signal received

2023-01-04: added a go binary for metadata extraction (from my exorcist project) to the mov_converter Docker image

            added lines to images/mov/ to execute the extractor binary

2023-01-05: force dec-2022 branch as new master; master would not execute tasks using worker

2023-01-06: metadata extractor binary does not work on .MOV files because there is no metadata stream on this file type

            beginning development of an mp4_extractor image a template for processing


command line ETL pipeline with Cobra






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