JSON backend prototype for javadoc (Doclet 9 API).
doclet generating json formatted javadoc
- assuming ./target contains the doclet jar
- and src/main/java/ is the root of java source files
javadoc -cp target/jsondoclet-0.1b-SNAPSHOT.jar\
-docletpath target/jsondoclet-0.1b-SNAPSHOT.jar\
-doclet jnpn.json.JSONDoclet\
produces json output into jsondocs
- edit src/main/resources/custom/config.properties to customize output-dir name
doctree -> Tree[javax.lang.model.Element] -> json tree
actual JSON ouput (gson | jackson | custom)
format specs define a clear mapping from POJO metaclasses to Json Objects
tests obviously
configuration file :DONE use java Properties to load configuration from config.properties jar resource
overridable configuration file
configurable pojo : json mapping metamodel description to json object
Element.name -> [name] ...
Redis endpoint LSP oriented javadoc server, so your IDE can query documentation
- jsondoclet generate
- jsondoclet serve port:8081