Smallish set of things I often use. Favors brevity.
Example: type checking with tis(a,b)
(as in "type is"):
tis(x,"")//is x a string?
tis(x,[])//is x an array?
tis(x,aFxn)//is x a function?
tis(x,aPromise)//is x a promise?
tis(x,/ /)//is x regex?
tis(x,new CustomThing)//is x a CustomThing?
works by constructor comparisons, with some quick checks first, so:
will give you a string of x a bit more distinctly than typeof
. ([]
is 'array'
Or a quick way to g
uess random numbers:
g()//plain Math.random()
g(1)// 50 / 50 chance truthy
g(100)//randomly pick an integer between 0 & 100
g(50,60)//randomly pick an integer between 50 & 60
g(50,60,true)//pick a floaty decimal between 50 & 60
g([2,3,6,9])//randomly return a value from the array
, or shorthand a2o(array[,justBeTruthy[,specificValueKey]])
, allowing easy preprocessing of []
s into O(1)-accessible {}
properties instead of using [].indexOf
a2o([1,2,3,4],"just be truthy")//{1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1} //values all a truthy 1
a2o([1,2,3,4]) //{1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3} //values ascending
a2o([{k:1},{k:5},{z:12}],0,'k') //{1:{k:1},5:{k:5},undefined:{z:12}} //key by k, if value has it
and for symmetry's sake (albeit less used), obj2array()
, or o2a(object[,callKey])
o2a({f:3,k:9,e:{Z:"Q"}}) //[{val:3,key:"f"},{val:9,key:"k"},{val:{Z:"Q"},key:"e"}]
o2a({f:3,k:9,e:{Z:"Q"}},"W") //[{val:3,W:"f"},{val:9,W:"k"},{val:{Z:"Q"},W:"e"}]
Some string functions:
//what a human might like seeing:
"query_select ColumnName".pretty()//"Query Select Column Name"
//machine a string to something simpler:
"a Goofy nglés sentence!!(#&---".machine()//"a_goofy_ngl_s_sentence"
code2str(55356,57194,9786)//cookie + smiley face characters
"doc brown".toProperCase()//"Doc Brown"
"Something Else".decapitalize()//"something Else"
"convert into method name".toMethodName()//"convertIntoMethodName"
"somethingCamelCased".camelSplit()//["something", "Camel", "Cased"]
"pass".replaceAt(0,"b")//"bass""a b c")//true if x=='a' || x=='b' || x=='c' (case insensitive)
Some constants & simple functions for easy reading:
var aDay=24*3600*1000
,aPromise=new Promise(function(){})
,asc =function(a,b){return a<b?1:-1}
,desc=function(a,b){return a>b?1:-1}
,lexicalAsc=function(a,b){return a>b?1:a==b?0:-1}
Sometimes it's worth insisting you have an array:
//x might not be an array
insistArray(x)//but it definitely is now
Give a function some inputs, but don't execute just yet:
var gp=g.pass(1,10)
And all Math.*
functions are brought into the global scope.