SD is a library of utilities for the Python programming language that allows validating both NIE and NIF. It also can be used to generate NIF/NIE list.
Can be installed via PiPI.
pip install spanish-dni
Sample code to validate NIF/NIE list.
from spanish_dni.dni import DNI
from spanish_dni.validator.exceptions import NotValidDNIException
from spanish_dni.validator import validate_dni
my_dnis: list[str] = [
for dni in my_dnis:
valid = True
dni_parsed: DNI = validate_dni(dni)
print(f"DNI {dni} is type {dni_parsed.dni_type}")
except NotValidDNIException:
valid = False
print(f"DNI {dni} is not valid")
Sample code to generate random NIF list of 8 elements with no initial characters provided.
from spanish_dni.generator import generate_dni
for _ in range(8):
Sample code to generate random NIF list of 8 elements which all of them start with number 0.
from spanish_dni.generator import generate_dni
for _ in range(8):
Sample code to generate random NIE list of 8 elements.
from spanish_dni.generator import generate_dni
for _ in range(8):
For the moment, it can not be used to generate random NIE with first character parameter.
If it is tried, it will raise an IncompatibleParametersDNIGeneratorException