a Telegram bot for consulting the electoral census of Palma
- First make sure you have redis installed.
- Create a Python virtualenv and install the package requirements.
- Create a
file with theconfig.yml.sample
as a template. - Run
python3 main.py
and the script will process any message received and return the census info.
- Create a
file with theconfig.yml.sample
as a template. - First start your redis instance:
docker run -d --name redis library/redis:3.2.0
- Run
docker run --link redis:redis -e "REDIS_HOST=redis" -e "REDIS_PORT=6379" -v ${PWD}/config.yml:/code/config.yml joanfont/census-bot
In config.yml
file you can specify the census data providers' bot can use. You can add yours:
default: palma
name: Palma
url: https://cens.joan-font.cat
name: Inca
url: http://cens.incaciutat.com
The census data provider endpoint (/find?nif=44444444A
) must return a response like this one:
"address": "CA PABLO IGLESIAS 4 , 07004 PALMA",
"district": 3,
"nif": "44444444A",
"section": 2,
"table": "A"
This bot only makes requests to an API that provides census data. It does not have any relation with Ajuntament de Palma. The data is consulted in the Ajuntament de Palma census page. You can see the API's code in the following GitHub respository: electoral-census.