For further documentation regarding the scope and functionality of this API, please review the repository supporting the Front-End - Here
get '/cohorts/ideas'
- returns the index of all ideas in a Cohort
post '/cohorts/ideas/new'
- post a new idea
get '/cohorts/ideas/:id'
- show an idea
post '/cohorts/ideas/:id/edit'
- edit an idea
post '/cohorts/ideas/:id/delete'
- delete an idea
- post '/cohorts/ideas/:id'
- 'create' a vote
- get '/statistics'
- 'show' current statistics
get '/logout'
- logout and destroy the session
get 'auth/github'
- login thru OAuth
get '/auth/github/callback'
- login thru OAuth
get '/current_user'
- get to current user
Data for all endpoints are exposed under an api
and version (v1
) namespace (e.g., /api/v1/cohorts
), returned in JSON format.