A cookbook, based on the pivotal_workstation, but without a lot of custom providers and a lot cleaner.
This cookbook provides a package provider called homebrew_package
which will install/remove packages using Homebrew. This becomes the
default provider for package
if your platform is Mac OS X.
As this extends the built-in package resource/provider in Chef, it has all the resource attributes and actions available to the package resource. However, a couple notes:
- Homebrew itself doesn't have a notion of "upgrade" per se. The "upgrade" action will simply perform an install, and if the Homebrew Formula for the package is newer, it will upgrade.
- Likewise, Homebrew doesn't have a purge, but the "purge" action will act like "remove".
package "mysql" do
action :install
homebrew_package "mysql"
package "mysql" do
provider Chef::Provider::Package::Homebrew
LWRP for brew tap
, a Homebrew command used to add additional formula
repositories. From the brew
man page:
tap [tap]
Tap a new formula repository from GitHub, or list existing taps.
tap is of the form user/repo, e.g. brew tap homebrew/dupes.
Default action is :tap
which enables the repository. Use :untap
disable a tapped repository.
homebrew_tap "homebrew/dupes"
homebrew_tap "homebrew/dupes" do
action :untap
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write you change
- Run the tests, ensuring they all pass (with travis)
- Submit a Pull Request using Github