A collection of snippets that can be used as base source code to implement services, stores and components into Angular applications
Simple yaml buildspec file suited for a pipeline
Simple debounced input using rxjs features
Auth store definition to be used together with Auth service to provide auth and session features such as signUp, signIn, signOut, etc.
Simple service to wrap up HTTP methods of Angular HTTPClient while also adding Bearer Auth to the request headers
Service to wrap Amplify Auth functions and provide access to cognito features such as signUp, signIn, signOut, change password, etc.
Service to wrap some Ionic message tools like toast, loading and dialog to provide consistent usage and customization.
Set of functions to generate AWS sign headers in order to use AWS Signature v4 as an auth method for HTTP requests. See docs for AWS Signer
Few pocket functions to validate common JS objects
Fn that converts a callback type fn into a promise