In this project which is a MERN stack you can write and edit post blog.
This application is composed by 2 repositories, the server and the client:
- In the server repository you can find an express HTTP server that connect to a local mongo database and expose the api. To start the server be sure to have installed mongoDB locally, configure the .env file and launch the server.
cd server
cp .env.example .env
npm i
node index.js
If you want to restart the server at any change you can also install nodemon and start the server like this
cd server
cp .env.example .env
npm i
npm i -g nodemon
nodemon index.js
If you want run the test you can use the command
npm run test
- In the client repository you have the Front-end code of the blog that uses React and Redux. To start the Front-end
cd client
npm i
npm start
Please create a pull request for each exercise, so that we can evaluate the final features' code. Don't hesitate to enhance the setup documentation if required.
To show us your skills we would like you to build theses 2 features:
At first we want the users to be able to create their account to post Articles.
To do that you need to create a login page or dialog and a signup process.
We want you to use JWT to manage user session, to do that you can use passport with a JWT policy.
Only connected users will be able to create post, and only the author of the post will be able to delete it
Here we want the user to be able to upload and manage pictures on his post.
Free to you to use the service you want to do that and to store your assets (like Cloudinary for example).
The purpose is to enhance post with media.
You can design the layout you want on cards and on each post page and use the styling you want.
Also if you want to add one or more features or change the layout, styling and theming about the blog you can.
Good luck :)
Notes: For evaluation, we will mainly focus on the code structure and readability, the separation of concerns in the methods/components, and the visual consistency.