Flattens JSON using the same format as gron. Slower than gron, but doesn't parse the entire structure into memory first, allowing it to process infinite streams. Output retains the original order of elements rather than sorting by path.
$ npm i -g flon
Or run via npx
$ npx flon -u https://registry.npmjs.com/flon
$ cat package.json | flon
json = {};
json.name = "flon";
json.version = "1.4.5";
json.description = "FLat Object Notation compatible with gron (grep-able JSON)";
json.repository = "github:joeledwards/node-flon";
json.main = "index.js";
json.files = [];
json.files[0] = "package.json";
json.files[1] = "README.md";
json.files[2] = "bin/*";
json.files[3] = "lib/**/*.js";
json.bin = {};
json.bin.flon = "bin/flon.js";
json.scripts = {};
json.scripts.build = "npm ci && npm run lint && npm test";
json.scripts.lint = "standard";
json.scripts["lint:fix"] = "standard --fix";
json.scripts.test = "tap ./test/*.js";
json.keywords = [];
json.keywords[0] = "flon";
json.keywords[1] = "json";
json.keywords[2] = "flat";
json.keywords[3] = "object";
json.keywords[4] = "notation";
json.keywords[5] = "gron";
json.author = "Joel Edwards <joeledwards@gmail.com>";
json.license = "ISC";
json.dependencies = {};
json.dependencies["@buzuli/color"] = "^2.2.2";
json.dependencies.axios = "^0.19.2";
json.dependencies["buffered-stream"] = "0.0.1";
json.dependencies.clarinet = "^0.12.4";
json.dependencies.durations = "^3.4.2";
json.dependencies.ramda = "^0.27.1";
json.dependencies.yargs = "^15.4.1";
json.devDependencies = {};
json.devDependencies.standard = "^14.3.4";
json.devDependencies["stream-buffers"] = "^3.0.2";
json.devDependencies.tap = "^14.10.8";
$ flon --help
--version Show version number [boolean]
--file, -f read from specified file instead of stdin [string]
--url, -u read from specified URL instead of stdin [string]
--summary, -v output summary info to stderr
[boolean] [default: false]
--no-buffer, -B flush every line as it is generated
[boolean] [default: false]
--no-color, -C do not colorize output [boolean] [default: false]
--allow-unknown-certs, -U do not validate TLS certs[boolean] [default: false]
--help Show help [boolean]