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This little Java project converts java.util.ResourceBundle/java.text.MessageFormat into JavaScript.

Problem Statement

If you're writing a JVM-based web application, there is a great chance you are utilizing Java's property file/resource bundle/message formate approach to i18n. While this is very useful on the server side, i18n is also often needed for JavaScript-based client code. For projects without complex internationalization needs, it may be most convenient in some cases to simply reuse those same Java resource bundles in the JavaScript client. While it is true that jquery-i18n-properties already exists to fulfil this need, it is a jQuery plugin. Not all of us use jQuery.

The j2js-i18n Approach to a Solution

This library not meant to be a full solution, but an 80/20 solution which will work for most cases. The production code is 100% pure Java with zero dependencies, making it suitable for inclusion in any JVM-based web application. The Scala and JavaScript source are only utilized for testing purposes.


This project is available as a Maven artifact at


Add j2js-i18n as a dependency in your maven.pom.

  <!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->

Scala sbt

Add the Releases repo as a resolver in your build.sbt or Build.scala as appropriate.

resolvers += " Releases" at ""

Add j2js-i18n as a dependency in your build.sbt or Build.scala as appropriate.

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  // Other dependencies ...
  "com.joescii" % "j2js-i18n" % "0.3.0" % "compile"


To use j2js-i18n, you instantiate a com.joescii.j2jsi18n.JsResourceBundle passing it the java.util.ResourceBundle that is appropriate for the request's locale (here we assume your web application framework is already doing a great job of choosing the appropriate bundles).
Call the toJs() method to access the JavaScript object and embed it in the JavaScript asset you wish to serve.


The toJs() function is overloaded to optionally take a String argument. This string is meant to contain a JavaScript function for logging localization misses, i.e. where the key/id was not found in the bundle for the given locale. By default, this is set to JsCode.logMissWithArgs and hence you'll see the ID and the arguments passed. You are welcome to provide your own JS function, and use some of the pieces provided in JsCode.


The latest javadocs can be found here, although there is very little to see.


Below are some examples of utilizing j2js-i18n in different languages and frameworks.



Scala Lift

package org.example.snippet

import net.liftweb.http.S._
import com.joescii.j2jsi18n._

case object MySnip {
  def render = { bundle =>
    val jsObj = new JsResourceBundle(bundle).toJs
    <script type="text/javascript">
      { s"i18n = $jsObj" }

Change log

  • 0.3.0: No breaking changes. Now by default localization misses (i.e. the id/key requested is not in the bundle) are logged to the console. The JsResourceBundle.toJs() method is now overloaded to provide your own logMiss callback as you like.
  • 0.2.0: BREAKING CHANGE: All entries are now functions, i.e. strings with no parameters are a function expecting zero arguments. Added localize(id, default, arg...) to allow safe access to values with a default when an id is not defined.
  • 0.1.1: Bug fix to correctly escape quotes in parameterized strings
  • 0.1: Initial release


Converts java.util.ResourceBundle into JavaScript







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