MovieShelf is a movie library using the TMDB Api. You can browse Trending movies and discover new titles. You can also search your favourite movies. Each movie displays a description, a poster image, the cast and image previews. The app is entirely written in Swift with one line of code in Objective-C. I made this app out of passion for movies and design. Upcoming versions are expected to be released soon and the link for the app store will soon be available.
I used the native URLSession to fetch the data from a JSON api to display information such as title, description, ratings, release date and the credit(cast).
For usage, you would have to provide your own api key and place it in the constant located inside the ApiServce.swift. You can use this quick introduction to set up one!
Light Mode | Dark Mode |
This project was made by me, Joseph Bouhanef. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me on Twitter@JosephCodes_