Functional and practical services with associated service definition files and registration utility
This Makefile is intended to be run with the GNU Make utility. The contents are intended to be run on OSX (MacOS) or Ubuntu Linux 18.04.x. Pre-populate the following environment variables with your values before running. Here are some example values. Please modify as needed:
export HZN_ORG_ID='organization-name'
export HZN_EXCHANGE_USER_AUTH='username:password'
export HZN_DEVICE_ID='my-device-id'
export HZN_DEVICE_TOKEN='i-am-not-a-pw'
To download this Makefile
, the fastest way is to use curl
curl -sSL > Makefile
To see what your environment variables are set to, or to use the defaults for the variables that are not set, run:
To verify that the Anax agent is installed and running, use the following:
make check
If the Anax agent is already installed,
the following will write the values as shown in Current Configuration
above and restart the agent:
make populate-configs
If you are running the Makefile on an Ubuntu Server 18.04.x,
the server-init
parameter will install the pre-requisites for the Horizon Services:
make server-init