Type checks in your Bacon stream!
npm install typed-bacon
This document is an executable source file that contains tests to stay up to date.
assert = require('assert')
Requiring Bacon before typed-bacon ensures that the custom methods can hook into Bacon correctly.
You need to require typed-bacon
to add the custom type methods to Bacon observables.
You will also want to get access to the Types object.
Bacon = require('baconjs')
{Types} = require('typed-bacon')
Transforms a value to an error if the input is not of the specified type.
Bacon.fromArray([1, 2, "three"])
.onError (e) ->
assert(e instanceof Error)
assert.equal(e.message, "Expected three to be a number")
Filters out all stream values that are not of the specified type.
Bacon.fromArray([1, "two", 3, true, 4])
.onValue (arr) ->
assert.deepEqual(arr, [1, 3, 4])
Will warn about type mismatches but will not interfere with the stream
# logs "Expected true to be a number"
Bacon.fromArray([5, true, "test", null])
.onValue (arr) ->
assert.deepEqual(arr, [5, true, "test", null])
Types can be chained using the or
Bacon.fromArray([5, true, "test", null])
.onValue (arr) ->
assert.deepEqual(arr, [5, "test", null])
Types.Object can be passed a JS object containing child types with infinite deepness(as long as the call stack holds).
person = {
name: "Johann",
languages: 5
name: Types.String,
languages: Types.Array
.onError (e) ->
assert(e instanceof Error)
assert.equal(e.message, "Expected 5 to be an array")
Types.Array can receive an object with a length parameter, specifying the exact length of the array.
.typeCheck(Types.Array(length: 5))
.onError (e) ->
assert(e instanceof Error)
assert.equal(e.message, "Expected [1,2,3,4] to have a length of 5")