Generate pseudogenomes derived from a reference fasta file and a VCF file containing one or several samples. The output file is in the fasta format.
Note that the python script was originally written to process VCF file from homozygous species (i.e. Arabidopsis thaliana in our lab). Some modifications for phased heterozygous calls may be required.
- bcftools v1.2
- vcftools v0.1.14
- python script (written for Python2.7)
- tabix
Two methods are suggested here to generate a pseudogenome. The first method is quicker and replaces all positions of low quality, missing data, or deletions in the VCF file by the reference allele while the second method replaces these positions by Ns by using a mask. The latter method yields a more correct pseudogenome sensu stricto but generates pseudogenomes with often lower mappability as the assumption of the reference allele is often correct when data is missing or of low quality. For applications related to mapping short reads (BS-seq, DNase-seq, ChIP-seq, ...), the first method is advised.
For instance, in the case of a 4-bp deletion with a good quality call:
Reference allele: AGCCC
Alternative allele: A
Pseudogenome generated
First method (without mask):
- Deletion is ignored (--remove-indels) => AGCCC (chromosome size unchanged)
- Deletion is integrated in the pseudogenome (no --remove-indels) => A (chromosome size changed)
Second method (with mask):
- If deletion is not excluded to the mask (no --exclude-deletion option) => ANNNN (chromosome size unchanged)
- If deletion is excluded from the mask and therefore integrated in the pseudogenome (--exclude-deletion option) => A (chromosome size changed)
In conclusion, when the chromosome size should stay unchanged, the second method allows to visualize deletion as Ns while the first method does not.
This step allows to process faster the downstream steps as computational time increases with the size of the VCF file used. Only positions containing at least 1 alternative allele is kept (--min-alleles 2) allowing to generate a much smaller VCF file. The tool bcftools consensus assumes reference allele when no data are available so that positions removed will be de facto considered as reference. The vcf file should be compressed with bgzip and indexed with tabix. The samples_id.txt should contain the accessions ID (matching in VCF), one line per accession. If needed to check samples ID, type "bcftools query -l <file.vcf.gz>". One can directly filter the VCF file to keep only positions with a certain quality threshold. If the chromosome lengths should stay identical to the reference in the pseudogenome, indels should be removed from the VCF file. If indels should be integrated, changing chromosome sizes, perform the following command without the option --remove-indels.
Subsetting by keeping positions with GQ >= 30 and DP >= 5 and removing indels:
vcftools --gzvcf <subset_vcf_file.gz> --remove-indels --minGQ 30 --minDP 5 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out subset_vcf_file_wo_indels
Subsetting by keeping positions with GQ >= 30 and DP >= 5 and keeping indels:
vcftools --gzvcf <subset_vcf_file.gz> --minGQ 30 --minDP 5 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out subset_vcf_file_with_indels
gzip and create an index:
bgzip subset_vcf_file_wo_indels.vcf
tabix subset_vcf_file_wo_indels.vcf.gz
Before performing this command, verify that the chromosome nomenclature in the reference fasta file is the same than in the VCF file:
# See chromosome names in the VCF file
bcftools view -h subset_vcf_file_wo_indels.vcf.gz | grep "##contig" -
# See chromosome names in reference fasta file
grep ">" reference_fasta.fa
Generate the pseudogenome:
bcftools consensus <subset_vcf_file_wo_indels.vcf.gz> --sample sample_name --fasta-ref <reference_fasta.fa> > pseudogenome_sample_name.fa
Use the command in a while loop to generate multiple pseudogenomes. For example, if all samples contained in the VCF file needs to be converted into a fasta pseudogenome:
while read i; do
bcftools consensus <subset_vcf_file_wo_indels.vcf.gz> --sample $i --fasta-ref <reference_fasta.fa> > pseudogenome_${i}.fa"
done <<< $(bcftools query -l <subset_vcf_file_wo_indels.vcf.gz>)
This step allows to process faster the downstream steps as computational time increases with the size of the VCF file used. Only positions containing at least 1 alternative allele is kept (--min-alleles 2) allowing to generate a much smaller VCF file. The tool bcftools consensus assumes reference allele when no data are available so that positions removed will be de facto considered as reference. The vcf file should be compressed with bgzip and indexed with tabix. The samples_id.txt should contain the accessions ID (matching in VCF), one line per accession. If needed to check samples ID, type "bcftools query -l <file.vcf.gz>
vcftools --keep <samples_id.txt> --gzvcf <file.vcf.gz> --min-alleles 2 --recode --out subset_vcf_file
gzip and create an index:
bgzip subset_vcf_file.vcf
tabix subset_vcf_file.vcf.gz
This allows to obtain a pseudogenome with the same size than the reference accessions. Note that if the difference in size of the chromosome is not an issue, this step can be skipped.
Create a new vcf file without indels:
vcftools --gzvcf <subset_vcf_file.gz> --remove-indels --recode --recode-INFO-all --out subset_vcf_file_wo_indels
gzip and create an index:
bgzip subset_vcf_file_wo_indels.vcf
tabix subset_vcf_file_wo_indels.vcf.gz
Note that deletions removed from the VCF file will be replaced by reference alleles when using bcftools consensus tool. Since no reads should be mapping at the deletions (if resequencing is performed), this does not create bias in alignment apart from having reads being multireads in the reference but uniquely mapped in the pseudogenome (due to deletions).
The mask is a bed file which contains all regions to be ignored when the pseudogenome is made (nucleotides are replaced by Ns). It contains positions with low quality score according to user's defined thresholds. Deletions can be added to the mask if needed to be replaced by Ns. This enable to avoid masking these deletions and therefore integrate them in the pseudogenome. Note that this option will generate pseudogenomes of unequal sizes.
If the pseudogenome must have the same chromosome size than the reference, the deletions should be replaced by Ns (default mode) and the insertions should be ignored :
python -s sample_name -i <subset_vcf_file.vcf.gz> > mask_sample_with_deletions.bed
NB: Insertions are usually absent in SNP VCF files as common SNP caller do not deal well with insertions or structural variants in general.
The default quality parameters are GQ >= 25 and DP >= 3. If for example GQ >= 30 and DP >= 5 are required:
python -s sample_name -i <subset_vcf_file.vcf.gz> -q 30 -c 5 > mask_sample_with_deletions.bed
In the case deletions should be kept if passing the quality test (resulting in unequal genome size), the option --exclude-deletions should be added to the command so they are not added to the mask bed file:
python --exclude-deletions -s sample_name -i <subset_vcf_file.vcf.gz> > mask_sample_wo_deletions.bed
This step is optional but yiels much smaller bed file as contiguous positions are merged.
Merge mask_sample_with_deletions.bed (or mask_sample_wo_deletions.bed) file:
bedtools merge -i mask_sample_with_deletions.bed > mask_sample_with_deletions.merged.bed
Rename and overwrite initial unmerged bed file:
mv mask_sample_with_deletions.merged.bed mask_sample_with_deletions.bed
Use 'rename -f 's/.bed.merged.bed$/.bed/' *merged.bed' if several bed files need to be renamed
Two alternatives are possible:
The mask will enable to replace by Ns all bases with a bad quality call and the deletions so that chromosome sizes stay equal to reference.
bcftools consensus <subset_vcf_file_wo_indels.vcf.gz> --sample sample_name --fasta-ref <reference_fasta.fa> --mask <mask_sample_with_deletions.bed> > pseudogenome_sample_name.fa
In this case, the mask bed file was generated using the option --exclude-deletions to allow deletions passing quality check to be included in the pseudogenome (changing chromosome size):
bcftools consensus <subset_vcf_file.vcf.gz> --sample sample_name --fasta-ref <reference_fasta.fa> --mask <mask_sample_wo_deletions.bed> > pseudogenome_with_deletions_sample_name.fa
Check examples to understand how "bcftools consensus" and are working.
- Johan Zicola - johanzi
Script written on 2018-05-29
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details