In Case Study 1, the setup and code were done on Tinkercad. The case required the implementation of 2 UltraSonic Sensors to detect suspects within a 2-meter range and display these results on the LCD.
In Case Study 2, I used ESP8266 Node MCU, Soil Moisture Sensor, and DHT11 Sensor to capture Soil Moisture Level, Temperature, and Humidity. This data was then visualized on the LCD and ThingSpeak Platform.
file:- Create a new file named
in the same directory as your main sketch file.
- Create a new file named
Define Credentials:
- In
, define the following credentials:const char* ssid = "YourWiFiSSID"; const char* password = "YourWiFiPassword"; const char* write_apiKey = "YourThingSpeakAPIKey"; const unsigned long channelID = YourThingSpeakChannelID;
- In
Include Credentials in the Main Sketch:
- Include
at the beginning of your main sketch.#include "case2_credentials.h"
- Include
In Case Study 3, I used Adafruit to display Light Intensity captured by the LDR Sensor. Adafruit's MQTT broker was also used to simulate a Publish/Subscribe model.
file:- Create a new file named
in the same directory as your main sketch file.
- Create a new file named
Define Credentials:
- In
, define the following credentials:#define WLAN_SSID "WIFI SSID" #define WLAN_PASS "WIFI Password" #define AIO_SERVER "" #define AIO_SERVERPORT **** #define AIO_USERNAME "Your Adafruit's Username" #define AIO_KEY "Your Adafruit's API KEY" #define myChannelNumber YourThingSpeakChannelNumber const char* myWriteAPIKey = "Your ThingSpeak WriteAPIKey";
- In
Include Credentials in the Main Sketch:
- Include
at the beginning of your main sketch.#include "case3_credentials.h"
- Include