A set of Unix command-line tools/applications
- A basic command-line gateway to OpenAI's API
- A tool to print all the aliases and functions from bashrc and bash_aliases files
- A tool to keep track of internet articles read
- A tool to log things throughout the day
- A todo list
- Format files
- Get some basic file/directory info
- A tool to keep track of finances
- A place to hold libraries and packages for different programming languages
- A simple way to clone GitHub repos
- Change line endings
- A math expression evaluator
- A simple web-based process manager (with a simple CLI implementation as well)
- Hasher, encoder, and UUID generator
- A timer employing the Pomodoro technique
- A tool that sorts and prints each element in PATH line by line
- A way to proxy and print TCP messages
- A tool to store passwords
- A tool to compile and run many different programs or scripts as well as do many useful things during compilation and execution
- A tool to search for text in files
- A socket client/server
- An HTTP server on the directory
- A tool to create file templates
- A sudoku game
- A tool to fix/update .proto files
- Clean build dirs
- Allow output filenames to be specified during process creation
- Take "-" as input to mean default name and nothing to mean no output
- Allow processes to be started immediately after creation
- Add rust edition flag automatically (e.g., --edition=2021)