John Ivanov. Java internship repository. Mentor Petr Arsentev and team Job4j.
chapter_001. Basic syntax Java: conditionals, cycles, primitive types, arrays.
chapter_002. OOP: inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, inner classes, abstract and anonymous classes, interfaces, basic design patterns, exceptions.
chapter_003. Collections. Lite: lists, maps, sorting, generics.
chapter_004. FP: lambdas, stream api, JDK 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 innovations.
chapter_005. Collections. Pro: advanced lists and maps, trees, hashcode and equals, iterators, generics pro.
chapter_006. IO: readers, writers, sockets, file managers, external file sorting.
chapter_007. SQL, JDBC: postgresql, sqlite.
chapter_009. Garbage Collection: types of GC, types of references.
chapter_010. Multithreading: threads, concurrency, synchronize, monitor, deadlock, non blocking algorithm, producer-consumer pattern, locks, thread pools.
interview questions. Questions and answers for interviews on Job4j topics.