Scan a git repo's history or a whole github org to match any potential personal data or secrets.
The matches are made through regular expressions, therefore there is always a very good change that some of the results will contain false positives.
The regexes currently include
- AWS Keys
- Credit Cards
- Private keys
- Emails
- UK National Insurance Number
- UK Phone Numbers
Heavily based on
(It will clone the repo(s) in your /tmp
Harpocrates now uses truffleHog's regexes
Requires Python 3
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Scan a repo
from harpocrates import Harpocrates
h = Harpocrates()
repo = h.get_repo('')
Scan a github org
repo = h.get_org_repos('google')
You can provide your own regex as a dictionary
myregex = {'Belgium ID Number':'[0-9]{2}\.?[0-9]{2}\.?[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{3}\.?[0-9]{2}'}
h = Harpocrates(regex=myregex)
If you have an SSH key configured you can provide the SSH URL to get_repo
Harpocrates uses tablib
Get Json or Html
res = c.get_report('json')
res = c.get_report('html')
- Package and Publish to PyPI
- Make reporting better
- Clone private repos