This repository contains a MATLAB script that embeds (or "hides") data into the low frequency, inaudible components of audio waveforms. Using Hamming error-correcting codes, data can often be recovered even if the waveform is resampled. See the tutorial for an example.
- Unzip all files into the same directory.
- Run Main.m and follow prompts in the command window.
- Enter 'y' or 'n' for yes and no.
- When asked, type the name of your wav file. it MUST be in the same directory.
The program will run the following sequence of prompts:
- Asks if you would like to run an example.
- Inputs a file of your choice.
- Allows you to customize certain settings.
- Saves and plays the watermarked file. Also opens a Spectrogram.
- Asks you to input a watermarked file for decoding.
- Asks you to enter decode parameters. Make sure these are identical to your encoding parameters.
- Asks you which kind of attack you would like to simulate.
- Extracts and displays the watermark.