Cigar plots represent a visualization strategy to simultaneously display within- and between-group prediction performances. An example set of cigar plots are posted to this repository: cigar_plots_example.pdf. The cigar plot displays the predicted and observed drug response in an x-y plot, and highlights their concordance (i.e., the prediction performance) at two levels. First, the variation within each group is shown as an ellipse, with the within-group concordance (e.g., measured by rank correlation coefficients) shown as the tilt and width of the ellipses. Second, the between-group variation (differences of group mean values) is shown as the location of ellipsis centers.
Ellipsis tilt is calculated by 45° × correlation coefficient: coefficient of 1 is associated with a 45° tilt, coefficient of 0 a 0° tilt, and coefficient of -1 a -45° tilt. The slope of the line across an ellipse is the same as ellipsis tilt.
Ellipsis length is scaled to the observed within-group range, with longer ellipses representing groups with larger observed response ranges.
Ellipsis width scales with within-group performance and is calculated as: ellipsis length × (1 - absolute correlation coefficient). Larger absolute coefficients result in narrower ellipses (coefficient of 1 results in a line) while smaller coefficients result in rounder ellipses (coefficient of 0 results in a circle).
Lloyd et al (2020) bioRxiv: Pan-cancer predictions of MEK inhibitor sensitivity are partially driven by differences between cancer types
The cigar_plots.R file contains two functions that can be used to generate cigar plots, described below, along with sample code to display example cigar plots.
This is the main function to generate cigar plots.
Required inputs:
obs_mean: numeric vector with mean observed response per group.
pred_mean: numeric vector with mean predicted response per group.
performances: numeric vector with within-group performance measures. Values are expected to range between -1 and 1 (e.g. pearson or spearman correlation coefficients).
Optional inputs:
spread: numeric vector with spread measure for each group. Values are expected to range between 0 and 1.
base_spread: numeric value indicating the spread length for the smallest spread value.
scale_means: Boolean indicating whether the mean observed and predicted values should be scaled between 0 and 1. scale_means = TRUE is useful for cases when observed and predicted values are in different ranges, as the x- and y-axis limits should be equal so that ellipses plot correctly.
plot_limits: Numeric vector with min and max value for the x- and y-axes.
colors: character vector with colors for groups.
color_alpha: Numeric value. Alpha transparency value for ellipsis backgrounds. Range: [0, 1], lower values = greater transparency.
main_title / xlab / ylab: Main, x-axis, or y-axis labels.
Generates a cigar plot to the current graphics device.
This function will take three vectors and calculate the inputs to necessary to generate cigar plots.
Required inputs:
obs: numeric vector with observed response values per instance.
pred: numeric vector with predicted response values per instance.
group_IDs: character vector with group labels per instance.
Optional inputs:
perf_method: Performance metric to calculate. Available: "spearman" (default) and "pearson".
spread_method: Spread measure to calculate. Available: "IQR" (default), "var", and "sd".
Output is a list object with mean observed values within groups ($obs_mean), mean predicted values within groups ($pred_mean), performance metrics within groups ($peformances), and the observed spread within groups ($spread). These can be used as inputs to the cigar_plot() function.