- See the demo project apricot-dp.
- Modify the apricot-dp.mynt.json file
- Coming soon: Mynt lang to program directly into minecraft commands. Example code:
// This is a comment
// These are variables, denoted with #.
// this one line creates a scoreboard that increases as
// a player holds right mouse down.
score #magictest = 0 | minecraft.used:minecraft.carrot_on_a_stick
// All minecraft entities will be valid primitive types, load the
// nbt data and properties via any supplied json file in /assets/.
zombie #gruntzombie = './mobs/grunt.json'
// You can set arbitrary variables and reference them anywhere.
number #g10 = 10
number #g500 = 500
// You can reference this variable in './mobs/grunt.json' or elsewhere.
number #baseZombieHealth = 40
// Requires a main and a load as well as functions to compile.
main {
// Runs every frame
load {
// Runs once on load or reload. Any variables declared above will
// automatically be initialized as needed.
// The next line is optional, otherwise will use the name of the file.
$name apricot-dp
// Required, or else it will make for an ugly description.
$description Apricot: Data-Pack demo
// Optional tag to initialize or modify events.
events {
functions = [
// Functions are composed like:
// "name { body } <if | $EVENT> <{ condition }>"
// This function shouts "fire", resets the counter,
// and then fires the timer off... but only when
// the condition that the given player has a required score.
holdClickToFire {
$say @a Fire!
$set #magictest 0
$start #test-timer2 after 2s
} if {
$score @a #magictest >= 20
// This creates a function that tells everyone on the server
// that somebody slept in a bed, so long that the event $sleep
// was triggered.
sleepShout {
$say @a somebody slept!
} $sleep
test-timer {
$say $blue $bold @a Summoning stick used...
$summon creeper
$summon #GruntZombie at @a
No clue, but it is fun to make and it completely takes out the issue of having to structure and navigate dozens of folders and commands...