This repository contains all code to validate the methodology behind Neuropower.
To reproduce the results on a local machine, please customize with a personal folder structure. To reproduce the results in this paper, follow these pipelines:
Running, produces the figures.
- SIM_prospective.sbatch performs the simulations and exports for each simulation (1) a file with the model estimation, (2) a file with the predicted power and (3) a file with the true power.
These analyses should be performed on a high-performance computing environment. We performed the analysis on Stanford's Sherlock: 120 general compute nodes with dual socket Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v2 @ 2.60GHz (8 core/socket); 64 GB 1866 MHz DDR3. The subsample procedure with the data from the Human Connectome Project take about 12 minutes per contrast per iteration (+/- 10 hours for all contrasts per iteration). The simulations average at 9 minutes per condition (+/- 1.5 hours for all conditions per simulation).