A curated list of awesome Jolie frameworks, libraries, and software.
- @jolie/leonardo - A web server written in Jolie.
- jolie-chucknorris - Jolie tools and libraries for Chuck Norris facts.
- @jolie/languageserver - An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for Jolie.
- @jolie/jpm - The Jolie Package Manager.
- vim-jolie - Support for Jolie in the vim editor.
- vscode-jolie - Support for Jolie in VSCode.
- @jolie/jot - A unit testing framework
- @jolie/commonmark - A library for rendering markdown according to the commonmark specification.
- @jolie/jsoup - An HTML parser library for Jolie.
- @jolie/encrypt - A wrapper for popular encryption algorithms
- @jolie/tquery - An in-memory query framework.
- @jolie/mongodb - A MongoDB client.
- @jolie/influxdb - An InfluxDB client.
- Jolie-Mosquitto - A library wrapper for the Eclipse Paho Mqtt client.
- @jolie/jwt - A library for JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
- @jolie/websockets - A client library for websockets.
- @jolie/liquid - A library wrapping the Liquid templating engine Liqp.
- @jolie/jsoup - A html parser library for Jolie.