Small component based OpenGL renderer with NanoVG textures and Assimp model importing, and 3D picking shader
Click on the object in the middle, and other objects will appear with an animation. Clicking on the other objects will destroy them.
Per pixel shading
3D picking via shader and glReadPixels.
This time I tried making a component based system, instead of the more traditional object oriented. There's just a base for a component system.
Animatable textures with NanoVG, using frameBufferObjects.
Move the camera with WASD and arrow keys.
I-key will add objects, and O-key will destroy them.
Esc to quit.
Source code is found under "src/rae".
# on Linux (use premake4.4beta, not 4.3 which comes with Ubuntu 14.04):
premake4 gmake
# I had to install the GL headers:
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libassimp-dev
# I installed GLFW3 and GLEW from source, and copied the libs to the lib_linux dir,
# and I also copied to the lib_linux dir.
# And finally:
# cd into the bin directory and run:
# on OSX:
premake4 xcode4
# Open the project file and build it.
# on Windows:
premake4 vs2012
# Open the project file and build it.
# You may need to retarget it to vs2013 or vs2015 after opening it
Some known/TODO issues with the code:
- The component system is not very finished
- GLFW code should be separated into something like a Window class.