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Workshop Setup

This file can be used to check that you have correctly installed everything that you need for the workshop.

If something does not work, please check the troubleshooting section of You can also contact us at in the #springio2024 channel.


You will need at least Java 17 to run this workshop, but we will use Java 21 since it's the latest LTS.

We recommend using SDKMAN! to manage installed Java versions, but you're free to use whatever you prefer as long as at least Java 17 is available. On Windows, you will need bash to use SDKMAN! (Git Bash, MinGW, Cygwin, WSL, etc.), if you don't want to install it you can try CHOCOLATEY! too.


The following instructions can be used if you are using SDKMAN!

  1. Install SDKMAN! for your system by following instructions at
  2. Install Java by typing sdk install java 23.1.2.r21-nik

Check the Java version:

sdk use java 23.1.2.r21-nik
java --version

You should see a similar output:

openjdk 21.0.2 2024-01-16 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Liberica-NIK-23.1.2-1 (build 21.0.2+14-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Liberica-NIK-23.1.2-1 (build 21.0.2+14-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)


The following instructions can be used if you are using CHOCOLATEY!

  1. Install CHOCOLATEY! for your system by following instructions at
  2. Install Java by running the following in a PowerShell as Administrator:
choco install graalvm-java21

Check that you can use Java:

  1. Open System Properties
  2. Click Environment Variables... and verify the PATH and JAVA_HOME System Variables to use the right JDK paths
  3. Open a new PowerShell window and check the Java version
java --version


If you prefer not to use SKDMAN! or CHOCOLATEY! you can install Java whichever way you're most comfortable with. As long as you have at least Java 17, you should be fine.

Please check your installation by checking the output of java --version:

java --version

You should see a similar output:

openjdk 21.0.2 2024-01-16 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Liberica-NIK-23.1.2-1 (build 21.0.2+14-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Liberica-NIK-23.1.2-1 (build 21.0.2+14-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)


This workshop uses mvnw so you shouldn't need to install Maven directly.

To check that Maven works run the following command from this directory.

On Linux/Mac

./mvnw --version

On Windows

mvnw.cmd --version

If you want to ensure your local Maven cache has most of the files we'll need, you can build the pom files in this directory:

./mvnw package

You should see a "success" message after these command:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Docker Compose

We will be using Docker Compose to set up things like Postgres which we will need for the workshop. We recommend Docker Desktop if possible, but any Docker installation that can run docker compose should work fine.

Docker Desktop is free for educational purposes.

Please install Docker from or using your favorite open source distribution.

To check docker is running, you can run:

docker run --rm hello-world

To check docker compose is working, run the following from this directory:

docker compose -f docker-compose-hello.yml up

Once you see the "hello world" output, you can destroy the containers using:

docker compose -f docker-compose-hello.yml down

TIP: Depending on your installation, you might need to use the command docker-compose rather than docker compose (this usually means that you are using an older version, please consider upgrading).

If the hello world example works, then you can try starting the full docker compose configuration that we'll be using:

docker compose up

NOTE: it will take some time to initially download images and start the containers. It will help to do this with a fast internet connection.

Check that the following links work:

http://localhost:9090 (Prometheus) http://localhost:3000 (Grafana)

If everything works you can hit ctrl-c to stop docker compose, and you can destroy the containers using:

docker compose down


We'll need to make some REST calls to our application. You can use whatever tool you like, but if you have no preference we recommend HTTPie.

You can install it from


You can use any Java IDE you like to work with the code, just check that it can work with Maven projects.

Please import the dog-service project.