Personal site for Jonathan Kim. Built using Jekyll.
git clone <repository>
brew install rbenv
rbenv init
curl -fsSL | bash
rbenv install -l
rbenv install $(rbenv local)
which -a gem
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle update --all
bundle exec jekyll serve
Then open your browser to http://localhost:4000
bundle exec jekyll build --config _config.yml,_config_google.yml
Originally based on the Minima theme (Jekyll default), but heavily modified.
Code snippets in _includes
can be used in layouts or other includes.
. Disqus comment box (active only in production).footer.html
. Site<footer>
. Google Analytics (active only in production).head.html
. Site<head>
. Site<header>
section.icon-* files
. Various icons.intro.html
. Intro blurb.portfolio-card.html
. Portfolio card section.
HTML files in _layouts
use _includes
to define a full page.
. Base layout.home.html
. Home page
. Generic page layout.portfolio.html
. Portfolio item layout.portfolios.html
. Portfolio collection
. Blog post layout.posts.html
. Blog post collection layout.
Sass (.scss
) files in _sass
directory to style pages. These are processed into an assets/main.css
. Core style file imported by preprocessedmain.scss
. Defines theme variable defaults and imports sass partials.minima/_base.scss
. Resets and defines base styles for various HTML elements.minima/_includes.scss
. Defines styles for_includes
. Defines styles for_layouts
. Defines styles for syntax highlighting.
and icons in assets
used by the site. The directory is copied as is to the final site.
. Contains portfolio items._posts
. Contains blog posts._site
. Static site generated by Jekyll. Do not modify directly.
Default date format can be changed by specifying site.minima.date_format
in _config.yml
# Minima date format
# refer to if you want to customize this
date_format: "%b %-d, %Y"
Enable comments by adding in _config.yml
shortname: my_disqus_shortname
More about Disqus' shortnames: here.
Comments can be disabled on a particular post by adding comments: false
to that post's YAML Front Matter.