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Jonathan Friedman edited this page Mar 13, 2019 · 3 revisions

First Fish

Click image for video (external site) Puffer Fish


Big Mouth Billy Bass (see license in repository)

Photo license information located in repository.

Original Big Mouth Billy Bass version was modified as follows:

  • Skeleton extracted
  • Two 555-based square-wave generators were used to control mouth and body/tail motions
  • Circuits modified by using 104 trim pot (10k ohm) to increase period
  • Body and tail motions were connected, simplifying motions
  • N-channel MOSFETS used to interface square-wave signal with motors
  • Custom enclosure fabricated to minimize footprint
  • Slide switch to control power

Newer Big Mouth Billy Bass version modified as follows:

  • Skeleton extracted
  • Two 555-based square-wave generators were used to control mouth and body/tail motions
  • Circuits modified by using 104 trim pot (10k ohm) to increase period
  • 555-timer circuit used for body/tail motion control had output and its inverse sent to motor driver board
  • Slide switch to control power