#codequest.io Project Proposal
What is codequest.io?
codequest.io is the database for discovering the questions that are being asked at interviews.
Who uses it?
codequest.io is the go to site for interview questions. Used by developers looking to research the interview process of a companies and used by companies to help create engaging problems that test the skills of potential employees.
What are the outputs?
- search, explore, and filter various interview questions that others users have encountered while going through the interview process
- company info
- general questions
- vizualizations of data
What are the inputs?
- Interview questions
- Company
- Category of qeustion
- User interview result
- Stage of interview process
List of tech:
- AngularJS
- Node.js
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- knex
- D3.js
- Electron (stretch goal)
Feature list
- Dashboard of question categories/companies
- Search/filter question type/tag (html, css, javascript, position interviewed for, front-end, backend, etc.)
- User profile (job, companies applied to, linked-in, resume, etc.)
- Company profile (info about company, jobs users interviewed for, popular questions or categories)
##Group Workflow We will be using a feature branch workflow. Each feature will have a separate branch which can be worked on by the team and eventually merged into the master branch upon QA testing.
Always have the latest version of the repo:
git pull origin master
When starting a new feature, create a new branch:
$ git checkout -b [name_of_new_branch]
Push the branch to github:
$ git push origin [name_of_new_branch]
Create a pull request.
#####Fetch other peoples branches
Fetch all the branches:
$ git fetch -a
See all the branches:
$ git branch -a
Switch branches:
$ git checkout branchName