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Generate, build, and browse kingdoms of the card game Dominion. Live at kingscourt.io.
Front-end: AngularJS 1.5 (in CoffeeScript), Bootstrap 3 (Sass), Bower-Rails, some jQuery-UI, Lodash. Backend: Rails 5, ActiveModelSerializers (API), Sunspot/Solr (API), DeviseTokenAuth (API), ActiveAdmin (manage database), Capistrano 3 (deployment). Backup: Backup (gem) + Whenever (for uploading db dumps to Dropbox), PaperTrail. Server (on DigitalOcean): nginx, Puma, MySQL. Testing: Cucumber (with Capybara Webkit), RSpec, Teaspoon + Jasmine (JavaScript unit-ish tests), Travis CI (for continuous integration), RuboCop (style/linting).
Contributions welcome!