just some stuff for maya
TO DO: 8/30/12 need to standardize function calls and all that. . . XXXXX CHANGE NAME OF ALL MASTER FUNCTIONS TO MATCH THE NAME OF THE SCRIPT ITSELF
messageMapper: add scroll bar to UI, call back to UI window to resize (nonadjustable?), call to function shouldn't include "zbw_"
XXXX ribbon: make a proper ribbon rig :)
look in mel folder and redo bits of that into python . . .
XXXX make generic window class for above^
script to take selected shaders and override the color, spec, ambient, etc for creating render layers?
anim tools - create UI for main module, create icons for each - fold in the outliers(pulldown)
TO DO: 9/23/12 zbw_ribbon: make all things based on whether it's created geo or your own. . . both should base the directions, etc on the surface's uv's. . . etc
figure out the best way to deal with follicle stuff in zbw_follicle (AND/OR in zbw_rig), can get vertex and convert it uv (then can use the follicle function)