A social walking app for iOS written in Swift. Created for my final year project at Imperial College London.
- Login and create an account
- Track walks and record information about the time, distance and number of steps
- Save walks and view them on your profile
- Earn achievements by tracking walks and generating daily streaks, which count towards your total score
- Invite other users to go on a walk
- Xcode 8.3
- Swift 3
- Cocoapods
Clone this repository and run pod install
to install the dependencies for the project.
- SwiftyJSON - easy parsing of JSON from API
- Alamofire - networking library to communicate with API
- Locksmith - simple keychain access to store user's credentials
- Chameleon - a flat colour framework
- NVActivityIndicatorView - custom loading animations
- Mockingjay - stubs HTTP requests when testing API communication
- Quick - testing framework for behaviour-driven development
- Nimble - a nice matcher framework