Various web applications built at Web Technologies (slo. Spletne Tehnologije) using Django and Bootstrap, showcasing different systems and technologies in 4 distinct applications.
Mobile version of this application also exists as Android WebView: jonpas/FERI-WebApps-Mobile
(requires: core
Todo application featuring lists and items with deadlines and reminders, tags and dynamic completion status.
(requires: core
, login)
Drawing game application featuring draw and guess chat-based multiplayer game with lobbies, login and statistics tracking, animations and sound effects.
(requires: core
, login)
Turn-based game application featuring interactive multiplayer board game ludo with lobbies, login, statistics tracking, animations and sound effects.
(requires: core
, login)
Transportation helper application allowing registered users to offer transports, search all offers using advanced search features, passenger reservations and ratings.
Core systems application, providing login and registration services, base template with navigation bar, font page and linking all pages together.
$ python -m venv venv
(virtual environment)$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
($ pip freeze > requirements.txt
to update dependencies)- Installs Django and additional packages.