This REST API provides a small system for managing people, offering the functionality to register a person by their first name, last name, CPF (Brazilian individual registry identification), date of birth, and personal phone numbers. In addition, it is also possible to query a record or list all records according to a sorting criterion.
The API was developed in Java with Spring Boot.
The project is also hosted on Heroku, click here to access it.
Click here to access the complete documentation made with swagger.
Finds all registered people.
Returns all records ordered by name.
Returns all records ordered by birthdate.
Returns a person, if exists, by its id.
Returns a person, if exists, by its name. -
Allows you to register a new Person.
The request body requires the following properties: firstName, lastName, cpf, birthDate and phones(one or more).
Example:{ "firstName": "Elvis", "lastName": "Presley", "cpf": "123.456.789-00", "birthDate": "01-01-1930", "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "number": "(11)987654321" } ] }
Allows you to update a record, if exists, by its id.
The request body requires the following properties: id, firstName, lastName, cpf, birthDate and phones(one or more).
Example:{ "firstName": "Elvis", "lastName": "Presley", "cpf": "123.456.789-00", "birthDate": "01-01-1935", "phones": [ { "type": "MOBILE", "number": "(11)987654321" } ] }
Removes a person, if exists, by its id.