Ruby gem to use the full TransIP ( API (v5.9). Uses an updated version of savon and implements the new request signing method that the guys at TransIP have introduced into their API.
The TransIP API makes use of public/private key encryption. You need to use the TransIP control panel to give your server access to the API and to generate a key. You can then use the key together with your username to gain access to the API.
For more info see:
The origin of this code:
TransIP API Docs:
Install from rubygems (
gem install transip
or add in your Bundle Gemfile:
gem 'transip'
For the latest version: Download / clone the repository. Bundle install the needed gems and require the lib.
git clone cd transip bundle install irb # and require './lib/transip'
Enable the TransIP API via Make sure:
you enable the API
add your IP to the access list
If your host supports ipv6, also add your ipv6 ip!
create and save your RSA private key
For the most up-to-date documentation see the source files.
Setup the API client:
# use this in production transip = 'your_username', key: 'your_private_rsa_key', ip: '', mode: :readwrite)
You can use Transip::DomainClient, Transip::VpsClient, Transip::ColocationClient, Transip::WebhostingClient and Transip::ForwardClient.
In development you can leave out the ip. To test request use :readonly mode.
If you store your private key in a seperate file you can do:
transip = 'your_username', key_file: 'path_to_your_private_key_file', ip: '', mode: :readwrite)
transip = 'your_username', key: 'your_private_rsa_key', ip: '', mode: :readwrite, proxy: ENV["QUOTAGUARDSTATIC_URL"])
If you want to use a proxy through which you want to route the API calls to TransIP, you can supply the proxy parameter. For example, I use QuotaGuard Static ( on Heroku. First install the addon, you will receive two static IP addresses. Whitelist these in the TransIP API settings page. Next, supply the proxy url. For instance, I use the environment variable QUOTAGUARDSTATIC_URL to supply this URL.
transip = 'your_username', key: 'your_private_rsa_key', ip: '', mode: :readwrite) transip.actions # => [:batch_check_availability, :check_availability, :get_whois, :get_domain_names, :get_info, :batch_get_info, :get_auth_code, :get_is_locked, :register, :cancel, :transfer_with_owner_change, :transfer_without_owner_change, :set_nameservers, :set_lock, :unset_lock, :set_dns_entries, :set_owner, :set_contacts, :get_all_tld_infos, :get_tld_info, :get_current_domain_action, :retry_current_domain_action_with_new_data, :retry_transfer_with_different_auth_code, :cancel_domain_action] transip.request(:get_domain_names) transip.request(:get_info, :domain_name => '') transip.request(:get_whois, :domain_name => '') transip.request(:set_dns_entries, :domain_name => '', :dns_entries => ['test', 5.inutes, 'A', '')]) transip.request(:register,'', nil, nil, ['test', 300, 'A', '')])) transip.request(:set_contacts, :domain_name => '', :contacts => ['type', 'first', 'middle', 'last', 'company', 'kvk', 'companyType', 'street', 'number', 'postalCode', 'city', 'phoneNumber', 'faxNumber', 'email', 'country')])
transip_vps = 'your_username', key: 'your_private_rsa_key', ip: '', mode: :readwrite) transip_vps.actions # => [:get_available_products, :get_available_addons, :get_active_addons_for_vps, :get_available_upgrades, :get_available_addons_for_vps, :get_cancellable_addons_for_vps, :order_vps, :order_addon, :order_private_network, :upgrade_vps, :cancel_vps, :cancel_addon, :cancel_private_network, :get_private_networks_by_vps, :get_all_private_networks, :add_vps_to_private_network, :remove_vps_from_private_network, :get_amount_of_traffic_used, :start, :stop, :reset, :create_snapshot, :revert_snapshot, :remove_snapshot, :get_vps, :get_vpses, :get_snapshots_by_vps, :get_operating_systems, :install_operating_system, :get_ips_for_vps, :get_all_ips, :add_ipv6_to_vps, :update_ptr_record] transip_vps.request(:get_available_products) transip_vps.request(:get_operating_systems) transip_vps.request(:order_vps, product_name: 'vps-bladevps-x1', addons: nil, operating_system_name: 'ubuntu-12.04.1-transip', hostname: '')
Same as above.
Find out full methods and parameters by going throught the PHP sources of the TransIP API. You can find them via
Please feel free to contribute and send me a pull request via Github!
©opyright 2018 Joost Hietbrink / Richard Bronkhorst, released under the MIT license.