This report is an exercise from the course 'Análisis de Datos Ómicos' in UOC's degree 'Bioinformática y Bioestadística'.
The exercise helped me to learn how to analyse microarray data from CEL files, extract lists of genes of interest comparing control groups with target groups, and explore the lists in search of enriched onthology terms..
Along the exercise I have used the language R (and the tools RStudio, Git and GitHub) for analysing changes in ARNm polyadenilation between samples of cortex tissue between control human males and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) human male patients, and examining significativity of the differences against a list of known genes involved in ASD.
You can access this report in three formats:
The data I worked with is but a little part of a far reaching and complex project. Even so, I felt like I had bitten off more than I could chew with my then present knowledge and available time. I learnt that genetic research in autism is very complex and riddled of confounding factors.