Project build with Inmediately Invoke Function Expressions (IIFE) and Closures in vanilla JavaScript following the guide in the Udemy course "The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects!" created by Jonas Schmedtmann.
- Javascript.
- 👤GitHub: Jose Abel Ramirez
You can clone this code anytime and load the HTML on your browser. Since it was build with vanilla JavaScript it doesn't need any other package.
You can either copy the code with git clone or just do a git pull on your local environment. Just install the live-version npm package globablly with
npm i -g live-server
Then run in the root of the directory from the terminal
Appreciate the teams at Udemy and the creator of the course Jonas Schmedtmann since allows me to learn a lot of JavaScript concepts and design principles that is pushing my software development career higher.
This project is MIT licensed.
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