A Finance Tracker web application built following the guide in the Udemy course "The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course" created by Rob Percival.
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- npm packages
- Ruby
- Rails framework
- MVC design pattern
- pg
- devise
- devise-bootstrap-view
- json
- font-awesome-rails
- bootstrap
- jquery
- popper
- 👤GitHub: Jose Abel Ramirez
- Linkedin: Jose Abel Ramirez Frontany
You can clone this code anytime with the following command:
In the terminal, to have all the gems and packages to reproduce this project, run the following commands:
- bundle install --without production
- yarn add bootstrap@4.3.1 jquery popper.js
Appreciate the teams at Udemy and the creator of the course Rob Percival since allows me to learn a lot of Ruby on Rails concepts and design principles.
This project is MIT licensed.
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