Part of this project is apptainer recipe file formalizing build of CoLoRe as a containerized application.
git clone this repo;
(possibly modify
to your liking ) -
sudo apptainer build --force ./CoLoRe.sif ./container.def &> buildout.log
Tested with apptainer 1.0.3-1 on Rocky Linux 8.
CoLoRe is installed into /usr/local/bin/CoLoRe
inside of container, so it can be started so easy:
mpirun -np 4 CoLoRe.sif CoLoRe examples/param.cfg
contains openmpi 4.1.4 so it's reasonable to use similar version of openMPI outside of container to ensure hybrid MPI model will work properly.
other significant ingredients:
- cfitsio 4.2.0
- Healpix 3.82
- gsl 2.7.1
- fftw 3.3.10
- HDF5 from Rocky8 distribution