HAYASHIDA, Morihiro y KOYANO, Hitoshi. Integer Linear Programming Approach to Median and Center Strings for a Probability Distribution on a Set of Strings. Portugal: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. 2016.p. 35--41.
gurobi.jar (Gurobi 810)
java -Xmx4G -cp ./dist/*:./lib/* optimization.ILP_StrMean -in bench1_6_2_6.txt -om bench1_6_2_6.lp -ops bench1_6_2_6.out -opm -verbose
in : Set the input file (in challenge format).
Syntax: -in input_file
opm : Optimize the model.
Syntax: -opm
om : Output the model.
Syntax: -out model_output_file_path
ops : Output partial solutions in a file with format Obj:11.0-time:0.9537200927734375-sol:1 2 2 1 2 1
Requires opm.
Syntax: -ops partial_solutions_file_path
verbose : Output additional information.
Syntax: -verbose