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this plugin is made for Tmux based IDE (t-ide) https://github.com/joselbr2099/t-ide but can be using without t-ide with the correct settings
in micro open command mode (remember this: ctrl+e ) and:
plugins install mcompiler
in terminal
$ git clone https://github.com/joselbr2099/mcompiler
$ mv mcompiler ~/.config/micro/plugins
has 3 commands to use mcompiler: to RUN your code(ruby, python...) open command mode and:
to build/compile your code:
to debug your code:
To configure these variables with your favorite language ruby example open a terminal and:
>set runc ruby
to set "build" command, example go:
>set build "go build -gcflags=-e"
remember that when using the prefix "set" the values passed to the commands runc / build / debug will be local only for the current micro instance to show current value of commad:
>show build
Finally, to run/build/debug your code, you can use the micro command mode and use one of the 3 commands described above:
to use a key instead of a command:
"F5" command to build your code
"F6" command to run your code
open file:
to configure the commands "runc", "build" and "debug" in a global way for all the micro instances