Welcome to the LetWhatChats! This project aims to replicate the functionality of WhatsApp, allowing users to create Conversation, send messages, using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, React, and Socket.IO.
- Create Conversation: Users can create conversation and others to join the conversation.
- Real-time Messaging: Utilizing Socket.IO, messages are sent and received instantly, creating a seamless chatting experience.
- Secure Authentication: Users can sign up securely with token authentication/authorization and log in to access the app's features.
- HTML & CSS(Tailwind css): structure and styling the application
- React: Frontend development for creating a user-friendly interface.
- Typescript
- Firebase: File storage
- Socket.IO: Real-time communication between clients and server for instant messaging.
Clone the repository:
Install dependencies for the frontend:
npm install
Set up environment variables:
- Start the frontend development server:
npm start
- Sign up or log in to your account.
- Create a new Conversation or join an existing one.
- Start sending and receiving messages in real-time.
![large screen sample](/josephDev123/LetWhatChats/raw/master/public/imgs/letWhatChat1.png)
![large screen sample](/josephDev123/LetWhatChats/raw/master/public/imgs/letWhatChat2.png)
![large screen sample](/josephDev123/LetWhatChats/raw/master/public/imgs/WhatsAppImage.jpg)
![large screen sample](/josephDev123/LetWhatChats/raw/master/public/imgs/WhatsAppImagesample2.jpg)
Create a .env file in the root directory. follow the .env.sample guideline
This project was developed by Uzuegbu Joseph.