A PHP class for optimizing images according to Stoyan Stefanov's Image Optimization articles. It also includes a CLI interface that you can use for build or commit check. Yahoo! has a similar tool called Smush.it. This tool basicly provides the same functionality as it.
You need to have the following executable command-line tools installed in your operating system.
- ImageMagick
- jpegtran
- pngcrush
- gifsicle
- pngquant
- pngout
$ git clone git://github.com/josephj/optimg.git
$ cd optimg
$ chmod +x optimg
$ ./optimg
Usage: optimg [options] image_path
-c, --check-only Check if path has fully optimized.
-r, --report-only Show report without really optimization.
--png8 Transform all PNG files to PNG8 format.