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Joseph F. Ryan edited this page May 9, 2016 · 3 revisions

sowhat is maintained by: Sam Church, Joe Ryan, and Casey Dunn. This document outlines our workflow:

Development workflow

  • Create an issue describing the change(s) to be made (if one does not exist already)
  • Create a feature branch off of the Development branch that is named according to the feature (eg, issue-28)
  • Work on the branch, checking after each push (the tests take about 5 minutes to run, since it has to built and boot a virtual machine)
  • As you work on the branch, add tests for the new feature.
  • Once everything is passing (the new tests and the old ones) merge into Development. Don't merge if any tests are failing.
  • Send out notification to the team before merging into master using a pull request. Allow at least 24 hours for a response.
  • At release, merge Development into master.

Useful commands for making new branches

git clone
git checkout -b issue-28
git branch
# make changes, git add, git commit, etc.
git push origin issue-28

Testing subroutines

hasn't been merged into master yet

perl t/ sowhat extras