Effortlessly record all of your personal data in a simple, secure and accessible way to answer questions you care about.
- Effortless: No manual data entry required. This project is mostly concerned with data that can be collected automatically from other devices and services.
- All: It should be possible to use this project to collect any data you care about.
- Personal: This project is only concerned with Little Data--the kind of data that is related to a single person. If you want to record the price of every stock, or everyone's tweets, use something else.
- Simple: Nobody wants life to be complicated. Everything that happens to you in real life is an event, so all data is simply a collection of events.
- Secure: Only you have access to your data. Nothing is ever shared by default.
- Accessible: You have complete access to your data, and easy ways to answer the questions you care about.
Life is a series of events, so that is how we model it--everything is an Event
This system is responsible for two things:
Recording Events. These are generated by Collectors and sent to the Archive, which is a single, central, encrypted store of all data.
Finding and displaying Events to answer questions. Displays use a simple REST interface to make it possible to answer questions about your data very easily.
See more details about the planned architecture
If you are not a programmer, email me and let me know what you would like to use the project for!
If you are a programmer, take a look at the design and let me know what you think of it.
We are currently hard at work on a simple demo for a single type of data (communications, eg, chats, emails, calls, texts, etc)
The documentation on the wiki matches what is planned, not what already exists. Now there is only a simple client and server. Integrations with gmail, google hangouts, and google chat are currently in progress.