Or anything that is FileSystem Like… Including a Posix FileSystem, Amazon S3, & .tgz files or combinations of each one.
This project is under development. Your welcome to use it but it is NOT complete and the API is subject to change. The filesystem (UFS::FS) should be fairly stable.
The goal of this gem is to make using your file system (or other data storage that can work like a file system) accessible in a friendly and universal way. This gem has been tested & documented from the ground up so the testing and documentation should be pretty comprehensive.
To begin with, I intend to support “the local FileSystem”, “Amazon S3”, or “compressed files (.tgz)” as FileSystems. Of course the compressed .tgz can reside on S3 or on your local file system interchangeably. I would love to further the adapter types to include options like ssh connections, webdev, git repositories, etc.
You should be able to use the standard read & write methods regardless of the adapter chosen. For example, you should be able to UFS.touch(‘path/to/location.txt’) when using the FS, S3 or TGZ adapters interchangeably. The adapters, however will have to be configured before use which may consist of at least a declaration of the default_adapter type as well as possibly providing authentication, location or other communication data.
Adapter standard methods should include:
Common to all UFS objects
:exists? #=> true/false
:destroy! #=> true/false
:type # returns the class name
:proprieties # returns a hash of properties, with keys: (:name, :group, :permissions, etc)
:name # returns the file or directory name, ie: a path of “/tmp/deleteme.txt” will give you “deleteme.txt”
:move(new_path) # moves file or directory to new location and returns self
The following methods for setting, reading & writing: permissions, group & owner
:permissions, permissions?, & permissions!
:owner, :owner?, & :owner!
:group, :group?, & :group!
file objects (An object that contains singular content, binary, text, etc.)
:touch(path_string) #=> file object (or equivalent)
:concat!(data) #=> appends or creates a file with the given content. Returns a file object (or equivalent)
:concat(data), :<<(data) #=> appends. Returns a file object (or equivalent) or UFS::WriteError if file doesn’t exist.
:writeln(data) #=> appends the file with a line of text, it is assured to be on its own line without extra newline characters
:read #=> content of file
:readln(number) #=> returns the line requested form the file or nil if the line doesn’t exist
:readln(range) #=> returns an array of lines as requested ie: file.readln(0..9)
:read_by_bytes(start, continue) #=> reads from the first byte requested through the number of continue bytes
Object should proxy the methods of the real object where possible… The ::UFS::FS::File object proxies to ::File
For example file.executable? should answer with the ::File.executable?(path). In this example, the path variable is taken from the file instance of ::UFS::FS::File
directory objects (An object that contains file objects)
:mkdir(path_string) #=> directory object (or equivalent) or raise UFS::WriteError if the directory cannot be created
:mkdir!(path_string) #=> directory object (or equivalent) will attempt to make intermediate directories
:to_a #=> returns an array of the objects contained in the directory
:<<(file_object) #=> moves the given file_object to the directory
Object should proxy the methods of the real object where possible… The ::UFS::FS::File object proxies to ::File
For example UFS::FS::Dir.pwd will return the working directory through proxying to ::Dir.pwd().
# Touching on directories & text files using the FileSystem adapter: UFS.default_adapter = UFS::FS dir = UFS.mkdir '/tmp/testing_deleteme' f = UFS.touch "#{dir}/deleteme" f.to_s #=> "/tmp/testing_deleteme/deleteme" f << "Hello" f.read #=> "Hello" f << " world" f.writeln 'another line' f.writeln 'more stuff' f.read #=> "Hello world\nanother line\nmore stuff\n" f.readln 0 #=> "Hello world" f.readln 0..1 #=> ["Hello world", "another line"] dir.destroy! # lets see what happens if we delete the folder that contains the file... f.read #=> UFS_Errors::ReadError: UFS_Errors::ReadError f.exists? #=> false dir.exists? #=> false
When things are finished up a bit I’ll be releasing this as a gem. For now you can check this project out in your projects ./lib folder then be sure to include ./lib/ufs/lib/ufs.rb. Assuming your lib is in your gem path you would do: require(‘ufs/lib/ufs’) but I’ll leave that one up to you to figure out. Enjoy and don’t be afraid to contact me if you have any questions.
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but
bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Bell - None (SR: 0) Peperoncini - Mild (SR: 500) Anaheim - Low (SR: 5,000) Jalapeño - Medium (SR: 8,000) Serrano - Hot (SR: 50,000) Habanero - Exceptionally Hot (SR: 350,000 Red Savina - Crazy Hot (SR: 580,000) Naga Jolokia - Hottest (SR: 1,041,427) ** SR = Scoville Rating
If you find that this project is a Jalapeño or better, please consider sending me a paypal donation…
Copyright © 2009 “Joshaven Potter” <yourtech@gmail.com>. See LICENSE for details.