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The Editor

Josh Powlison edited this page Nov 20, 2019 · 1 revision

The editor is still under heavy construction, so these instructions will be fairly barebones. Have a request for a feature? Post on the Issues page.

Editor Features

The editor is here to make writing and editing your story easier.

HUD Buttons

Click "N" to add a new file after the current one.

Click "S" to save.

Click "AS" to automatically save as you type and update the live Showpony.

You can change the file number (#), title (T), release date (R), duration (D), and quality (Q). When you save, this will put the info in the filename using the proper formatting.


Icons will show up on the left side for what type of object you're looking at: images, textboxes, audio, variables, engine functions, and comments.


As you type in your object, recommendations will automatically come up for you. (You have to type them in manually for now; this will be changed in the future)

Image Selector

When you click on the parameter for an image, you can select images in the assumed folder. For example, if you click on the parameter below:

james pose-1,mouth/smile01,eyes/wow00

You'll see images in resources/images/james/. You can click on images to add them.

Upload New currently does nothing. Add new files into the folder manually,

Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + S: Save the file. It will automatically update on the other side.

Alt: You can hold Alt to use any of the regular shortcut keys for Showpony. Alt + Left Arrow will regress the story, and Alt + Right Arrow will progress the story, for example.

Tab: Sort of a key, sort of a shortcut key. If you hit tab on a new line, the parameter will be lined up with the rest of them. You can also select multiple lines and press tab to line up all of the parameters on those lines with the same number of tabs for easier reading.