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v0.1.0 Story File Names

Josh Powlison edited this page Dec 10, 2018 · 3 revisions


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If you name your story files correctly, you can:

  1. Have them go live at specific dates (and be hidden until then)
  2. Display info in the menu
  3. Scrub video and audio properly in the menu
  4. Mix media (like text and video) effectively, with each taking up a reasonable amount of the scrub area in the menu

The convention

2016-02-29 (Leap Year) 20.5.ext
2017-03-01 (The Adventure Begins).ext
2017-11-02 15;00;00 () 15.ext
x2020-01-01 23;00;00 ()

YYYY-MM-DD HH;MM;SS (Part Title) LL.ext


This is why you have the .htaccess file in your parts folder. x appears before files that aren't ready to go live and keeps users from directly accessing that file. When it's time for that file to go live, Showpony will automatically remove the x and everyone can access it! (so in the case above, when January 1, 2020, 11 PM UTC arrives, the x will be removed).

You can still access x files from the server side, and using the admin console you can still access them anyway.

x will only be automatically applied and removed if the file has a valid date in the name. You can manually apply and remove it instead if you don't use properly formatted dates.


The date the part should be released. Semicolons are used instead of colons between HH;MM;SS to support Windows file naming (dagnabit Windows!).

HH;MM;SS is optional; you can just go with YYYY-MM-DD if you don't care about being particular.

This time is based around UTC, not your local time zone, so be careful! (this gets especially messy if Daylight Savings Time is involved, so be aware!)

Using dates will also order your files correctly, so I recommend it!

Part Title

Mmust go between parentheses. The title for that file; chapter name, comic name, what-have-you!


The length in seconds of the file. Can be a decimal value. Is optional. Can only be present if a title (or at least empty parentheses) are present before it (to separate it from the date).

It's most relevant for video and audio, but you can also use it for comics, text, etc. This is helpful if you end up mixing media, like having video mixed in among your comics or text notes with your video!