Monster Shop is fictitious e-commerce platform where different types of users can log in and have access to different functionality. All user types have access to certain CRUD functionality for different resources. For example, regular users can add items to the cart, create orders, and cancel orders; admin users can enable and disable merchants and their items and ship orders that have been packaged. Ruby on Rails framework is used to build the application. ActiveRecord is used to make database inquiries. PostgreSQL is used to build the database.
Website is hosted on heroku at this address:
- Use grouping and aggregate functions with SQL and ActiveRecord to obtain specific information from database
- Join tables using ActiveRecord to obtain information from multiple tables
- Use authentication and authorization to verify users and give certain users access to certain functionality
- Add namespace and resource syntax in routes file
- Create ActiveRecord association many to many relationship between models
- Use form helper form_for to create forms
- User password encryption to hash user passwords before storing in the database