- Support CSS3 as well as part of CSS4 selector API
- Be lightweight
- Be fastest
- Be customizable
- Optimised for IE < 8
- document.querySelector
- document.querySelectorAll
- document.getElementsByClassName for IE < 9
- document.documentElement.querySelector
- document.documentElement.querySelectorAll
- document.documentElement.getElementsByClassName
- document.documentElement.matchesSelector
- document.documentElement.matches
- Element.prototype.querySelector
- Element.prototype.querySelectorAll
- Element.prototype.getElementsByClassName for IE < 9
- Element.prototype.matchesSelector
- Element.prototype.matches
document.querySelector("div! a[href*=twitter]");// div that has **a** element with _href_ attribute that contains "twitter"
document.querySelectorAll("body footer! div");// NodeList:[footer], if <footer> is in <body> and <footer> contains <div>
<div node>.querySelector("div:scope a");// if <div node>.tagName == "DIV" -> result is <a> element, child of <div node>
<node>.querySelectorAll(":scope>*");// all direct childs or <node>
document.documentElement.querySelector(":scope>*");// regulary would be <head>
document.documentElement.querySelector(":scope>*:nth-child(2n+1)");// regulary would be <head> also
document.documentElement.querySelector(":scope>*:nth-child(2n+2)");// regulary would be <body>
Note: :scope pseudo-class not in first compound selector not supported! This examples will throw "SYNTAX_ERR" exception:
document.querySelector("div div:scope a")
Working on it
Without IE6/7 support:
<script src="__COMPILED/CSS_selector_engine.js"></script>
With IE6/7 support:
<!--[if lt IE 8]> <script src="__COMPILED/CSS_selector_engine.ielt8.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gt IE 7]><!--> <script src="__COMPILED/CSS_selector_engine.js"></script> <!--<![endif]-->
var $$ = function(node, selector) {
return document.documentElement.querySelectorAll.call(node, selector)
var $$0 = function(node, selector) {
return document.documentElement.querySelector.call(node, selector)
var matchNode = function(node, selector) {
return document.documentElement.matches.call(node, selector)
matchNode( $$(document, "div.class")[0], "div.class" ) == true
The are few GGC flags in script. You can set it as you need and compile script with GGC in ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS mode.
Build for non-IE lt 8
set the value of '__GCC__NOT_ONLY_IELT8_SUPPORT__' to 'true' and compile CSS_selector_engine.js using Google Closure Compiler